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Q.4. The most potent CNS stimulant among xanthine bases are-

  1. Theophylline
  2. Caffeine
  3. Theobromine
  4. All of these
Answer: (b) Caffeine
Explanation: Caffeine is the most potent CNS stimulant.

Classification Of Drugs In Pharmacology Aptitude Test

30 Questions 594 Attempts 20.19K Seen
Classification of drugs is the most important part of pharmacology for every pharmacist or pharmacy graduate. This test contains MCQs from pharmacology classification.
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Q.1. Suganril is common brand name for:

  1. Phenylbutazone
  2. Piroxican
  3. Benorylate
  4. Indomethacin

Q.2. Which one of these is μ-opioid agonist?

  1. Pethidine
  2. Codeine
  3. Nalorphine
  4. None of these

Q.3. Levodopa is amino acid precursor of - 

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Dopamine
  3. Norepinephrine
  4. All of these

Q.4. The most potent CNS stimulant among xanthine bases are-

  1. Theophylline
  2. Caffeine
  3. Theobromine
  4. All of these

Q.5. Chlorpromazine is useful in the treatment of -

  1. Mental depression
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Parkinsonism
  4. None of the above

Q.6. Amlodepine Lowers blood pressure by-

  1. Inhibition of calcium influx
  2. Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
  3. Blocking norepinephrine reuptake
  4. All of the above

Q.7. Cholestyramine is useful in the treatment of -

  1. Arrhythmia
  2. Hypertension
  3. Hyper lipoproteinemia
  4. Angina pectoris

Q.8. Clofibrate mainly Lowers the -

  1. LDL
  2. VLDL
  3. HDL
  4. Chylomicrons

Q.9. Lovastatin is useful in -

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Arrhythmia
  3. Hyper lipoproteinemia
  4. Angina pectoris

Q.10. Oral anticoagulants act by antagonising the actions of -

  1. Calcium ion
  2. Prothrombin
  3. Vitamin K
  4. Fibrinogen

Q.11. Glucocorticoid are used in the treatment of :

  1. Inflammation
  2. Inflammation and allergy
  3. Skin infections
  4. Allergy

Q.12. The sulphonamides are :

  1. Bactericidal in nature
  2. Bacteriostatic in nature
  3. Bactericidal only at high dose
  4. None of the above

Q.13. Tetracycline act by -

  1. Inhibition of protein synthesis
  2. Interfering in cell wall synthesis
  3. Altering the permeability of cell membrane of organism
  4. All of the above

Q.14. Nystatin is principally effective in:

  1. Candidia albicans
  2. Blastomyces
  3. Cryptococcus histoplasma
  4. All of the above

Q.15. Pyridoxine is administered with isoniazid to minimise the:

  1. Hepatotoxicity
  2. Neurotoxicity
  3. Nephrotoxicity
  4. Allergic reaction

Q.16. Which one of these combination is used in Chloroquine resistance malaria?

  1. Trimethoprim + pyrimethamine
  2. Pyrimethamine + sulphadoxine
  3. Mefloquine + Primaquine
  4. None of the above

Q.17. Which one of the enzyme is used in the treatment of cancer?

  1. L- asparginase
  2. Phosphodiesterase
  3. Xanthine Oxidase
  4. None of the above

Q.18. Eserine acts by -

  1. Receptor mechanism
  2. Acting on cell membrane
  3. Drug-enzyme interactions
  4. None of the above

Q.19. Desferrioxamine is a :

  1. Chelating agent
  2. Antimetabolite
  3. Enzyme inhibitor
  4. None of the above

Q.20. Sodium valproate prevent the epileptic seizure by -

  1. Depressing the CNS
  2. Preventing influx of sodium
  3. Preventing influx of calcium
  4. None of the above

Q.21. Which one of these is used with hyoscine to induce Twilight sleep?

  1. Pentazocine
  2. Pethidine
  3. Diphenhydramine
  4. None of the above

Q.22. Ergot preparations are useful in migraine due to its-

  1. Oxytocic action
  2. Vasoconstriction action
  3. α -receptors blocking action
  4. None of the above

Q.23. Which one of these is a major tranquilizer?

  1. Phenelzine
  2. Promethazine
  3. Trifluoperazine
  4. Hydroxyzine

Q.24. Which one is a cholinomimetic agent?

  1. Atropine
  2. Salbutamol
  3. Tolbutamide
  4. Acetylcholine

Q.25. Testosterone is not orally active because?

  1. React with acid
  2. Degradation
  3. Reduction
  4. Rapid oxidation of 17-hydroxy group to ketones

Q.26. Which one of the following drug shows antiplatelet activity?

  1. Verapamil
  2. Nifedipine
  3. Warferin
  4. Dipyridamole

Q.27. Nociceptors are associated with:

  1. Chemical
  2. Pain
  3. Temperature
  4. Pressure

Q.28. Drug that shows selective antagonistic selective H1 antagonistic action?

  1. Chlorpheniramine
  2. Cimetidine
  3. Ranitidine
  4. Thioperamide

Q.29. Which one is the alkylating anticancer drug?

  1. Fluorouracil
  2. Vincristine
  3. Thiotepa
  4. Doxorubicin

Q.30. Which one is a HMGC A reductase inhibitor?

  1. Rhabdomylosis
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Rise in serum transaminase

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