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Q.11. Both the species benefit in

  1. Parasitism
  2. Mutualism
  3. Competition
  4. Predation
Answer: (b) Mutualism
Explanation: Both the species benefit in Mutualism

Organisms And Populations : Biology (Class 12th) Revision Test | MCQs For NEET

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This practice test includes 25 important multiple choice questions from the chapter - Organisms And Populations (Class 12th Biology). Start Test without Login in


Q.1. For human population, the age pyramids generally show age distribution of

  1. Only males
  2. Only females
  3. Of males and females
  4. None of the above

Q.2. The size of the population tells us a lot about its status in the

  1. Environment
  2. Sex-ratio
  3. Age pyramid
  4. Habitat

Q.3. The number of deaths in the population during a given period is referred to

  1. Natality
  2. Mortality
  3. Sex-ratio
  4. None of the above

Q.4. The number of birth during a given period in the population that are added to the initial density is referred to

  1. Natality
  2. Mortality
  3. Sex-ratio
  4. None of the above

Q.5. Parasites that live inside the host body at different sities are called

  1. Ecto parasites
  2. Endo parasites
  3. Brood parasitism
  4. None of the above

Q.6. Parasites that feed on the external surface of the host organism are called

  1. Ecto parasites
  2. Endo parasites
  3. Brood parasitism
  4. None of the above

Q.7. If one species is harmed whereas the other is unaffected is called

  1. Commensalism
  2. Amensalism
  3. Mutualism
  4. None of the above

Q.8. The interaction where one species is benefitted and the other is neither benefitted nor harmed is called

  1. Commensalism
  2. Amensalism
  3. Mutualism
  4. None of the above

Q.9. One species benefit in

  1. Parasitism
  2. Predation
  3. Mutualism
  4. Both (a) and (b)

Q.10. Both species lose in

  1. Mutualism
  2. Competition
  3. Parasitism
  4. Predation

Q.11. Both the species benefit in

  1. Parasitism
  2. Mutualism
  3. Competition
  4. Predation

Q.12. A stage of suspended development is called

  1. Diapause
  2. Suspend
  3. Migrate
  4. Aestivation

Q.13. To avoid summer-related problems – heat and desiccation by organism is called

  1. Hibernation
  2. Suspend
  3. Migrate
  4. Aestivation

Q.14. Winter sleep is also called as

  1. Hibernation
  2. Suspend
  3. Migrate
  4. Aestivation

Q.15. The shifting of an organism temporarily from the stressful habitat to a more hospitable area and return when stressful period is over is called

  1. Suspend
  2. Migrate
  3. Hibernation
  4. Aestivation

Q.16. Habitat together with functions of a species constitute its:

  1. Topography
  2. Trophic level
  3. Boundary
  4. Ecological niche

Q.17. The maximum growth rate occurs in

  1. Lag phase
  2. Exponential, phase
  3. Stationary phase
  4. Senescent phase

Q.18. In which one of the following habitats, does the diurnal temperature of soil surface view most?

  1. Shrub land
  2. Forest
  3. Desert
  4. Grassland

Q.19. Science linking heredity with environment is:

  1. Ecology
  2. Ecophysiology
  3. Genecology
  4. Genetics

Q.20. Submerged hydrophytes have disseced leaves for

  1. Decreasing surface area
  2. Increasing surface area
  3. Reducing effect pf water currents
  4. Increasing number of stomata

Q.21. Water holding capacity is maximum in

  1. Clay
  2. Sand
  3. Slit
  4. Gravel

Q.22. Animals undergo inactive stage during winters. It is called

  1. Acclimatisation
  2. Hibernation
  3. Aestivation
  4. Adapatation

Q.23. Praying mantis is a good example of

  1. Camouflage
  2. Mullarian mimicry
  3. Warning colouration
  4. Social insect

Q.24. Animals have innate ability to escape from predation. Select the incorrect example:

  1. Colour change in Chameleon
  2. Enlargement of body by swallowing air in puffer fish
  3. Poison fangas of snakes
  4. Melaninin in moths

Q.25. Ozone protects biosphere from high energetic:

  1. Infra-red rays
  2. Ultraviolet rays
  3. X-rays
  4. gamma rays

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