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Plant Kingdom : Biology (Class 11th) Revision Test | MCQs For NEET

25 Questions 2 Attempts 1.87K Seen
This practice test includes 25 important multiple choice questions from the chapter Plant Kingdom (Biology - Class 11). Start Test without Login in


Q.1. Rhodophyceae is called red algae because of the pigment

  1. Fucoxanthin
  2. Phycoerythrin
  3. Carotenoids
  4. Chlorophyll c

Q.2. Which of the followings plant material is an efficient water imbibant?

  1. Agar
  2. Cellulose
  3. Lignin
  4. Pectin

Q.3. In a monoecious plant

  1. Male and female sex organs are on the same individual
  2. male and female gametes are of two morphologically distinct types
  3. Male and female sex organs are on different individuals
  4. All the stamens are fused to form one unit

Q.4. The seedless vascular plants whose sporophytes are larger than their small and independent gametophytes are

  1. Pteridophytes
  2. Angiosperms
  3. Gymnosperms
  4. None of these

Q.5. Which of the following is a liverwort?

  1. Sphagnum
  2. Funaria
  3. Marchantia
  4. Polytrichum

Q.6. Transgenic plants are the ones

  1. Grown in artificial medium after hybridization in the field
  2. Produced by a somatic embryo in artificial medium
  3. Generated by introducing foreign DNA in to a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell
  4. Produced after protoplast fusion in artificial medium

Q.7. Which of the following plants is used extensively for the study of photosynthesis?

  1. Amaranthus
  2. Asparagus
  3. Chlorella
  4. Sunflower

Q.8. Which of the following is used to grow microbes?

  1. Laminaria
  2. Gelidium
  3. Chlorella
  4. Sargassum

Q.9. Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes is found in

  1. Chlamydomonas
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Volvox
  4. Fucus

Q.10. Gymnosperms produce neither flower nor fruit because they do not possess

  1. Embryo
  2. Ovary
  3. Ovule
  4. Seed

Q.11. Rhodophyceae is called red algae because of the pigment

  1. Fucoxanthin
  2. Phycoerythrin
  3. Carotenoids
  4. Chlorophyll c

Q.12. In moss stomata appears on

  1. Capsule
  2. Leaves
  3. Stem
  4. All of these

Q.13. The gametophyte is not an independent, free-living generation in

  1. Pinus
  2. Polytrichum
  3. Adiantum
  4. Marchantia

Q.14. In gymnosperms, the development of pollen grains occurs in

  1. Strobili
  2. Microsporangia
  3. Megasporangia
  4. Macrosporangia

Q.15. Ribbon shaped chloroplasts occur in

  1. Ulothrix
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Chlamydomonas
  4. Riccia

Q.16. Antheridia and Archegonia are sex organs of

  1. Moss
  2. Mucor
  3. Spirogyra
  4. Puccinia

Q.17. Iodine is found in

  1. Spirogyra
  2. Laminaria
  3. Polysiphonia
  4. Chlorella

Q.18. Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom because

  1. These plants live in soil and depend on marine organisms for asexual reproduction
  2. These plants live in soil and depend on water for sexual reproduction.
  3. These plants live in water and depend on land animals for sexual reproduction
  4. These plants live near water bodies.

Q.19. Which one of the following is a vascular cryptogram?

  1. Cedrus
  2. Equisetum
  3. Ginkgo
  4. Marchantia

Q.20. Pinus differs from mango in having

  1. Tree habit
  2. Green leaves
  3. Ovules not enclosed in ovary
  4. Wood

Q.21. In chlorophyta the mode of sexual reproduction is

  1. Isogamy
  2. Anisogamy
  3. Oogamy
  4. Isogamy, Anisogamy and oogamy

Q.22. An evolutionary characteristic is found in selaginella:

  1. Presence of ligule
  2. Heterophilly habits
  3. Sporangia present in cone
  4. Heterospory

Q.23. By which type of leaf is found in selaginella

  1. Aligulate and microphyllous
  2. Ligulate and megaphyllous
  3. Ligulate and microphyllous
  4. Aligulate and megaphyllous

Q.24. Bioluminescence is a phenomenon associated with

  1. chrysophyta
  2. phaeophyta
  3. pyrrophyta
  4. chlorophyta

Q.25. Yeast is different from penicillium and Rhizopus in being

  1. Acellular
  2. Unicellular
  3. Having unseptate hyphae
  4. multicellular

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