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biochemistry amino acids 4 Posts


Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Proteins and amino acids

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Proteins and amino acids  

This post includes important one liners of chapter Proteins and Amino acids. this summarises the chapter in short.

15 Questions   706 Join the discussion.

1 of 15 〉 The average nitrogen content of proteins


2 of 15 〉 Proteins are the polymers of

L-α-Amino acids


Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides  

This post includes important one liners from chapter Nucleic acids and Nucleotides . this summarises the chapter in short.

15 Questions   799 Join the discussion.

1 of 15 〉 The fundamental unit of genetic information is known as


2 of 15 〉 DNA controls protein synthesis through the mediation of



Metabolism Of Amino Acids

Metabolism Of Amino Acids  

Proteins are the most abundant organic compounds and constitute a major part of the body's dry weight (10-12 kg in adults ).

318 Join the discussion.


Proteins And Amino Acids

Proteins And Amino Acids  

Proteins are the most abundant organic molecules of the living system. in every part of the cell and constitute about 50% of the cellular dry weight.

411 Join the discussion.



Metabolism Of Amino Acids

Metabolism Of Amino Acids  

Proteins are the most abundant organic compounds and constitute a major part of the body's dry weight (10-12 kg in adults ).

318 Join the discussion.


Proteins And Amino Acids

Proteins And Amino Acids  

Proteins are the most abundant organic molecules of the living system. in every part of the cell and constitute about 50% of the cellular dry weight.

411 Join the discussion.



Quiz / Practice Tests

One Liners

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Proteins and amino acids

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Proteins and amino acids  

This post includes important one liners of chapter Proteins and Amino acids. this summarises the chapter in short.

15 Questions   706 Join the discussion.

1 of 15 〉 The average nitrogen content of proteins


2 of 15 〉 Proteins are the polymers of

L-α-Amino acids


Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides  

This post includes important one liners from chapter Nucleic acids and Nucleotides . this summarises the chapter in short.

15 Questions   799 Join the discussion.

1 of 15 〉 The fundamental unit of genetic information is known as


2 of 15 〉 DNA controls protein synthesis through the mediation of





