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General Awareness (GA) General Science (GS) Class 9th
Ans → 92
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: सामान्य विज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न जो परीक्षाओ में पूछे जाते हैं | GS One Liners - attemp/practice
Ans → बैंगनी रंग
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Ans → कवक और शैवाल (Algae and Fungus)
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Ans → परमाणु विखंडन ( nuclear fission ) सिद्धान्त पर
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Ans → पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन (total internal reflection)
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Ans → ऑक्सीटोसिन (Oxitocin Hormone)
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Ans → मुख में (in oral cavity ) , लार द्वारा ( by saliva )
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Ans → कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट (calcium carbonate)
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Ans → ब्लड ग्रुप O
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Ans → अण्डोत्सर्जन का (ovulation)
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Ans → ऑक्सीटोसिन (Oxitocin Hormone)
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Ans → Researchers found weights of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 units. These are different from Egypt and Mesopotamia measurement.
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Ans → Ivory scale was around1.704 mm made from Bronze age. Founded at Lothal, Gujarat.
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Ans → Weather
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Ans → Political, Social and Economics.
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Ans → Leh, Jammu & Kashmir
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Ans → Bangar Plains
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Ans → 566
Explanation → There are 566 existing wildlife sanctuaries in India covering an area of 122420 square kms, which is 3.72% of the geographical area of the country.
Ans → The ruler or ruling group has complete control on Government with no oppositions.
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Ans → बैंगनी रंग
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