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Home ❭ Questions ❭ One Liners ❭ A person who has already suffered from smallpox becomes immune to the disease because of ______.
D. Pharma Pharmaceutics Bachelor of Pharmacy Diploma in Pharmacy
Ans → Naturally acquired active immunity
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Most Important Exam Oriented Questions on Immunity and Immunological products | Pharmacy Exams - attemp/practice
Ans → Tuberculosis
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Ans → Diphtheria
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Ans → Measles, Hepatitis
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Ans → 12000 millions
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Ans → 2 ℃ to 8 ℃
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Ans → Bordetella pertussis bacilli
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Ans → Bacillus Calmette Guerin, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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Ans → Artificial acquired active immunity
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Ans → Artificial acquired passive immunity
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Ans → Naturally acquired active immunity
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Ans → Yellow fever and Diphtheria
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Ans → Diphtheria
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Ans → Antitoxin
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Ans → opsonins
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Ans → divided powder
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Ans → deflocculation
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Ans → coagulation
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Ans → bioassay
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Ans → Neuroeffector junction
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Ans → matrix formulation
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Ans → Efferent (Motor)
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Ans → encapsulation
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