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Home ❭ Questions ❭ One Liners ❭ Molecules that have the same molecular formula and sequence of atoms yet differ in their 3-D orientation.
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Pharmacist Competitive Exams
Ans → Stereoisomer
Explanation →
This question is taken from the test/quiz post: one liner| organic|| Pharmacy one liners |organic chemistry| file-4 - attemp/practice
Ans → Valence Electrons
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Ans → Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
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Ans → Stereoisomer
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Ans → Resonance
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Ans → Proteins
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Ans → Polymers
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Ans → Octet Rule
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Ans → Nucleic Acids
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Ans → Molecular Formula
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Ans → Lewis Structure
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Ans → Ketones
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Ans → Isomer
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Ans → resonance
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Ans → iatrogenic disease
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Ans → embedding
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Ans → buccal tablet
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Ans → electronic transition
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Ans → mast cells
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Ans → Polysaccharide
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Ans → chirality
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Ans → horizontal gene transfer
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Ans → hydrophilic
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Ans → Inactivation by low pH
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Ans → Addiction
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Ans → Lewis Structure
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Ans → Raffinose
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Ans → intermediate
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Ans → R,S convention
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Ans → Electrophile
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Ans → agglomeration
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Ans → crystalline
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Ans → Graves disease
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Ans → Colipase
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Ans → cosolvent
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Ans → hyperthermophile
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Ans → sawhorse projection
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Ans → delocalization
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Ans → Glycine, Cysteine, Glutamate
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Ans → lone pair/unshared pair
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Ans → percent yield
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Ans → reversible process
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