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The number of different orders in which P, Q and T may be arranged is_________.

General Intelligence Reasoning SSC Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) DSSSB Pharmacist

Directions : (for Q.No. 24) - Five different books (P, Q, R, S, T) are to be arranged on a shelf. The books R and S are to be arranged first and second, respectively from the right side of the shelf. 

Q. 24 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4623)

The number of different orders in which P, Q and T may be arranged is_________.

  • 2
  • 6
  • 12
  • 120

Ans → (b)6

Explanation → Out of (P, Q, R, S, T), S and R are fixed at first & second places from right, so the remaining P, Q, T can be arranged as 3P3 = 3!=6ways

This question is taken from this post → Reasoning and Aptitude Practice Test for all Competitive Exams - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Reasoning and Aptitude Practice Test for all Competitive Exams

Directions : (For Q. No. 1 ) - answer according to the following information-

 A duck named Donald Duck says "all ducks always lie." 

Q. 1 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4600)

Based on the information above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?

  • Donald duck always lie.
  • Donald Duck always tells the truth.
  • Donald Duck's statement is True.
  • Donald Duck's statement is False.

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Directions : (For Q. No. 2) - 
Four Girls P, Q, R, and S are studying languages at a University. 
P is learning French and Dutch. 
Q is learning Chinese and Japanese.
R is learning Spanish and French. 
S is learning Dutch and Japanese.
Given that:  
# French is easier than Dutch; 
# Chinese is harder than Japanese; 
# Dutch is easier than Japanese, and 
# Spanish is easier than French.

Q. 2 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4601)

Based on the above information, which girl is learning the most difficult pair of languages?

  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S

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Directions : (For Q.No. 3) 
In a Class of five Students P, Q, R, S, and T, only one student is known to have copied in the exam. The disciplinary committee has investigated the situation and recorded the statements from the students as given below-
Statement of P: R has copied in the exam.
Statement of Q: S has copied in the exam.
Statement of R: P did not copy in the exam.
Statement of S: Only one of us is telling the truth.
Statement of T: R is telling the truth,
The investigating team had authentic information that S never lies.

Q. 3 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4602)

Based on the information given above, the person who has copied in the exam is

  • R
  • P
  • Q
  • T

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Q. 5 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4604)

The school principal has received complaints from parents about bullying in the school yard during recess. He wants to investigate and end this situation as soon as possible, so he has asked the recess aides to watch closely. Which situation should the recess aides report to the principal?

  • A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading a book and not interacting with her peers.
  • Two boys are playing a one-on-one game of basketball and are arguing over the last basket scored.
  • Four girls are surrounding another girl and seem to have possession of her backpack.
  • Three boys are huddled over a handheld video game, which isn't supposed to be on school grounds.

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Directions : (For Q.No. 6) Read this - 

Zachary has invited his three buddies over to watch the basketball game on his wide-screen television. They are all hungry, but no one wants to leave to get food. Just as they are arguing about who should make the food run, a commercial comes on for a local pizzeria that delivers. The phone number flashes on the screen briefly and they all try to remember it. By the time Zachary grabs a pen and paper, each of them recollects a different number. 

#1.  All of the men agree that the first three numbers are 995.
#2. Three of them agree that the fourth number is 9.
#3. Three agree that the fifth number is 2.    
#4. Three agree that the sixth number is 6; 
#5. Three others agree that the seventh number is also 6. 

Q. 6 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4605)

Which of the numbers is most likely the telephone number of the pizzeria?

  • 995-9266
  • 995-9366
  • 995-9256
  • 995-9966

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Q. 11 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4610)

Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • inch
  • ounce
  • centimeter
  • yard

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Q. 12 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4611)

Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • mayonnaise
  • dill
  • basil
  • parsley

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Q. 13 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4612)

Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • tulip
  • rose
  • bud
  • daisy

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Q. 14 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4613)

Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • rye
  • sourdough
  • pumpernickel
  • loaf

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Directions : (for Q.No. 16)

One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States want an anthology that includes the complete works of William Shakespeare. And what accounts for this renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point out, his psychological insights into both male and female characters are amazing even today.

Q. 16 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4615)

This paragraph best supports the statement that

  • Shakespeare's characters are more interesting than fictional characters today.
  • people even today are interested in Shakespeare's work because of the characters
  • Shakespeare was a psychiatrist as well as a playwright.
  • New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of Shakespeare.

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Directions : (for Q.No. 17)

Generation Xers are those people born roughly between 1965 and 1981. As employees, Generation Xers tend to be more challenged when they can carry out tasks independently. This makes Generation Xers the most entrepreneurial generation in history.

Q. 17 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4616)

This paragraph best supports the statement that Generation Xers

  • work harder than people from other generations.
  • have a tendency to be self-directed workers
  • have an interest in making history
  • tend to work in jobs that require risk-taking behavior.

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Directions : (For Que no. 18 )

If you're a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your neighborhood can be your health club. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.

Q. 18 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4617)

This paragraph best supports the statement that -

  • fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting
  • a membership in a health club is a poor investment.
  • walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors
  • fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise

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Directions : (for Q.No. 19)

In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-fat ice cream. But that isn't the case today. An increasing health consciousness combined with a much bigger selection of tasty low-fat foods in all categories has made low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store owners.

Q. 19 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4618)

This paragraph best supports the statement that

  • low-fat ice cream produces more revenue than other low-fat foods.
  • ice cream store owners would be better off carrying only low-fat ice cream
  • ice cream store owners no longer think that low-fat ice cream is an unpopular item.
  • low-fat ice cream is more popular than other kinds of ice cream.

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Directions : (For Que. No. 23) Read this - 
Under a certain legal system, prisoners are allowed to make one statement. 
#1. If their statements turn out to be true then they are hanged.
#2. If the statement turns out to be false then they are shot. 
One prisoner made a statement and the judge had no option but to set him free.

Q. 23 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4622)

Which one of the following could be that statement?

  • I did not commit the crime
  • I committed the crime
  • I will be shot
  • You committed the crime

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Directions : (for Q.No. 24) - Five different books (P, Q, R, S, T) are to be arranged on a shelf. The books R and S are to be arranged first and second, respectively from the right side of the shelf. 

Q. 24 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4623)

The number of different orders in which P, Q and T may be arranged is_________.

  • 2
  • 6
  • 12
  • 120

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Q. 25 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4624)

When he did not come home, she_________ lying dead on the roadside somewhere.

  • concluded
  • looked
  • notice
  • pictured

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Q. 27 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4626)

SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL

  • CMN
  • UJI
  • VIJ
  • IJT

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Q. 28 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4627)

FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____

  • JAK
  • HAL
  • HAK
  • JAI

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Q. 29 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4628)

The odometer is to mileage as the compass is to

  • speed
  • hiking
  • needle
  • direction

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Q. 30 of Quiz-1993 (Que-ID : 4629)

Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

  • winter
  • bear
  • dream
  • sleep

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More MCQs In - General Intelligence Reasoning SSC Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) DSSSB Pharmacist

Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2172)

Which of the following state is not known for the production of cardamom?

  • Kerala
  • Karnataka
  • Odisha
  • Tamil Nadu

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4016)

The Charter was issued to the East Indian Company in 1600 by whom?

  • King Charles II
  • Queen Elizabeth I
  • Queen Victoria
  • Queen Mary

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Q. 13 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3913)

Methionine enkephalin is chain

  • Dipeptide
  • Tripeptide
  • Tetra peptide
  • Pentapeptide

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4029)

Which act completely ended the commercial trade monopoly of the East India Company?

  • Charter Act of 1853
  • Charter Act of 1833
  • Charter Act of 1813
  • Government of India Act, 1858

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Directions : (for Q.No. 19)

In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-fat ice cream. But that isn't the case today. An increasing health consciousness combined with a much bigger selection of tasty low-fat foods in all categories has made low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store owners.

Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4618)

This paragraph best supports the statement that

  • low-fat ice cream produces more revenue than other low-fat foods.
  • ice cream store owners would be better off carrying only low-fat ice cream
  • ice cream store owners no longer think that low-fat ice cream is an unpopular item.
  • low-fat ice cream is more popular than other kinds of ice cream.

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Q. 23 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 200)

Overdose of digitalis may cause

  • Habituation
  • Tolerance
  • Cumulative tolerance
  • Physical dependence

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1953)

Jayprakash Narayan was given the title of '_____'.

  • Deenbandhu
  • Loknayak
  • Jana Nayak
  • Deshbandhu

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3997)

What is the pulsating theory of the universe?

  • A cosmological model that combines both the Big Bang and the Big Crunch as part of a cyclical event
  • An expansion and contraction of the star as a whole in a regular periodic pulsation
  • All the matter of the universe was present in a single place in the form of hot and dense fireball
  • Counting of the galaxies is constant and new galaxies which are forming continuously are filling the empty spaces

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 761)

Berana is a wedding ceremony of ?

  • Assamese
  • Bengali
  • Punjabi
  • Sindhis

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Q. 80 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 257)

In anaphylactic shock, the drug of choice is:

  • Isoprenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Coramine
  • Adrenaline

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3903)

Alkaline phosphate level is increased in

  • Ricket
  • Leukemia
  • Cardial infection
  • Pancreatic deficiency

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 752)

2010 Commonwealth Games held in ?

  • Canada
  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore

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Directions : (Q.1 - Q.4) find out the correct choice to replace the question mark?

Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 528)

Child : Parent : : Book : ?

  • Author
  • Publisher
  • Teacher
  • Printer
  • Press

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Directions : (for Q.No. 24) - Five different books (P, Q, R, S, T) are to be arranged on a shelf. The books R and S are to be arranged first and second, respectively from the right side of the shelf. 

Q. 24 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4623)

The number of different orders in which P, Q and T may be arranged is_________.

  • 2
  • 6
  • 12
  • 120

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3545)

Which compound of mercury is used as antiseptic?

  • Mercuric sulphide
  • Mercuric oxide
  • Mercuric iodide
  • Mercuric chloride

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Directions : (Q. 7 - Q. 10 ) In the following question five words are given out of which four are similar in a certain way while rest one is different. Find out the different one.

Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 535)

  • Root
  • Foundation
  • Tunnel
  • Base
  • Bottom

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Q. 28 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4627)

FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____

  • JAK
  • HAL
  • HAK
  • JAI

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1928)

Which state is celebrating its statehood day on November 9?

  • sikkim
  • jharkhand
  • telangana
  • uttarakhand

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4604)

The school principal has received complaints from parents about bullying in the school yard during recess. He wants to investigate and end this situation as soon as possible, so he has asked the recess aides to watch closely. Which situation should the recess aides report to the principal?

  • A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading a book and not interacting with her peers.
  • Two boys are playing a one-on-one game of basketball and are arguing over the last basket scored.
  • Four girls are surrounding another girl and seem to have possession of her backpack.
  • Three boys are huddled over a handheld video game, which isn't supposed to be on school grounds.

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3925)

Main ring present in tryptophan is

  • Indole
  • Imidazole
  • Furan
  • Thiophane

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3960)

The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is

  • Nitrogen
  • Hydrogen
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Oxygen

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4027)

How many times a person can be elected as the President of India?

  • One time
  • Two times
  • Three times
  • Indefinite

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3966)

The hardest substance available on earth is

  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Diamond
  • Platinum

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Directions : (Q.18 - 19) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions - 
R # T U 3 D $ J @ B E 9 © W 1 A F % P 2 4 Q I N 6 M ▶ Z 5 

Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4634)

If all the numbers in the above arrangement are dropped, which of the following will be the ninth from the right end?

  • A
  • F
  • B
  • P

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Q. 13 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4612)

Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • tulip
  • rose
  • bud
  • daisy

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Q. 69 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 246)

Glycerin suppositories ( containing 92% of glycerin ) are solidified by adding:

  • White wax
  • Stearic acid
  • Sodium stearate
  • PEG 4000

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 182)

barbiturates causes death at toxic dose due to

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Liver damage
  • Depression of respiration
  • All of these

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2369)

Which of the following is the smallest island in the Nicobar group of Islands?

  • Middle Andaman
  • Ross Island
  • Great Nicobar
  • Pulomilo Island

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Q. 44 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 221)

Which form should be used for application to import drugs for personal use?

  • Form 12 A
  • Form 19
  • Form 8
  • Form 24 C

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Directions : (Q.18 - 19) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions -
R # T U 3 D $ J @ B E 9 © W 1 A F % P 2 4 Q I N 6 M ▶ Z 5 

Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4635)

How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number ?

  • none
  • one
  • two
  • three

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2103)

'Jab' and 'parry' are terms used in which sport?

  • Wrestling
  • Boxing
  • Billiards
  • Weightlifting

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4893)

Choose the odd one out: Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Oval

  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Oval

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Directions : (Q. 15 and Q. 16 ) find out the missing term in the following sequence-

Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 543)

prt, ?..., bdf, hjl, npr

  • vya
  • xza
  • vxz
  • uyb
  • avy

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Directions : This question (Q.16) is based on the following set of numbers -
319      869      742      593      268

Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 4632)

If in each number the first and the third digits are interchanged then which number will be the highest ?

  • 319
  • 869
  • 742
  • 268

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