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Which among the following have well developed respiratory system

General Science Biology Zoology Class 11th NEET UG NEET UG Preparation

Q. 2 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2645)

Which among the following have well developed respiratory system

  • Cockroaches
  • Earthworms
  • Sponges
  • Mammals

Ans → (d)Mammals

Explanation → Mammals well developed system includes lungs, alveoli, bronchi and bronchioles

This question is taken from this post → Respiration Class 11th Biology | Practice MCQs with Answers for NEET - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Respiration Class 11th Biology | Practice MCQs with Answers for NEET

Q. 1 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2644)

Which among the following does not exchange o2 with CO2 through simple diffusion

  • Earthworms
  • Earthworms
  • Sponges
  • Flatworms

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Q. 2 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2645)

Which among the following have well developed respiratory system

  • Cockroaches
  • Earthworms
  • Sponges
  • Mammals

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Q. 3 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2646)

How many lobes are present in right lung

  • 2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 4

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Q. 4 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2647)

Name a sound box which is responsible for sound production

  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
  • Epiglottis
  • None of the above

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Q. 5 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2648)

Thoracic chamber is dorsally formed by

  • Vertebral column
  • Sternum
  • Ribs
  • Diaphragm

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Q. 6 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2649)

Inspiration occurs if the pressure within the lungs is

  • More than atm pressure
  • Less tha atm pressure
  • Equal to atm pressure
  • None of the above

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Q. 7 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2650)

The part starting from external nostril upto terminal bronchioles is known as

  • Conducting part
  • Exchange part
  • Respiratory part
  • None of the above

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Q. 8 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2651)

What is the structural and functional unit of lungs

  • Bronchioles
  • Alveoli
  • Bronchi
  • Both a and c

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Q. 9 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2652)

On an average healthy human breathes how many times per minute

  • 12-16
  • 15-16
  • 20-25
  • 72

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Q. 10 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2653)

What is the inspiratory reserve volume

  • 2500-3000 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1000-1100 ml
  • None of the above

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Q. 12 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2655)

which among the following is measured by spirometer

  • Total lung capacity
  • FRC
  • RV
  • TV

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Q. 13 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2656)

Pressure contributed by an individual gas in a mixture of gas is known as

  • Partial pressure
  • Diffusion pressure
  • Osmotic pressure
  • None of the above

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Q. 14 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2657)

Solubility of CO2 is how many times higher than O2

  • 10-15
  • 30-40
  • 20-21
  • 20-25

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Q. 15 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2658)

What is the partial pressure of O2 in atmosphere

  • 156
  • 159
  • 94
  • 40

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Q. 16 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2659)

What is the partial pressure of O2 in deoxygenated blood

  • 45
  • 40
  • 95
  • 43

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Q. 17 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2660)

How many percent of co2 is carried by plasma in dissolved form

  • 6
  • 7
  • 20-25
  • None of the above

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Q. 18 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2661)

How many percent of co2 is carried as bicarbonate

  • 50
  • 97
  • 70
  • 25

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Q. 19 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2662)

Every 100ml of deoxy blood delivers approx

  • 2ml of co2 to alveoli
  • 3 of co2 to alveoli
  • 4ml of co2 to alveoli
  • 7ml of co2 to alveoli

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Q. 20 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2663)

RBC contains very high quantity of which enzyme

  • Carbonic anhydrase
  • Lysosome
  • Ligase
  • None of the above

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Q. 21 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2664)

which among the following is caused due to decreased respiratory surface area

  • Astma
  • Emphysema
  • Sclerosis
  • None of the above

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Q. 22 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2665)

Whose role in respiratory rhythm regulation is insignificant

  • Co2
  • O2
  • Both a and b
  • None of the above

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Q. 23 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2666)

Pneumotaxic centre is present in which region of brain

  • Medulla
  • Hypothalamus
  • Pons
  • None of the above

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Q. 24 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2667)

Which type of curve is formed when percent of haemoglobin is plotted against po2

  • Straight line
  • Hyperbola
  • Sigmoid
  • Parabola

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Q. 25 of Quiz-1391 (Que-ID : 2668)

which among the following is responsible to shift o2 dissociation curve right

  • High Pco2
  • Low pco2
  • Low H+
  • None of the above

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More MCQs In - General Science Biology Zoology Class 11th NEET UG NEET UG Preparation

Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3321)

Which of the following pairs contains an infectious and a non-infectious disease respectively ?

  • Typhoid and AIDS
  • AIDS and cancer
  • Pneumonia and malaria
  • Cancer and malaria

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3386)

n the sewage treatment, bacterial floes are allowed to sediment in a settling tank. This sediment is called as

  • inactivated sludge
  • activated sludge
  • primary sludge
  • secondary sluge

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2628)

Maltase converts maltose into

  • glucose+ glucose
  • Glucose + fructose
  • Glucose + galactose
  • Fatty acids+ glycerol

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3101)

Choose the correct function of magnesium

  • It is a constituent of several coenzyme
  • It activates the enzymes of respiration and photosynthesis.
  • It activates enzyme catalase
  • It helps in maintaining anion-cation balance

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3294)

Which one of the following phenomena supports Darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic evolution ?

  • Development of transgenic animals
  • Production of “Dolly’, the sheep by cloning
  • Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
  • Development of organs from ‘stem cells’ for organ transplantation.

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3128)

Which of the following is true about diffusion?

  • There is no expenditure of energy
  • Molecules move in Brownian motion
  • Substances moves from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.
  • Diffusion depends on the type of living system

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Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3212)

Endodermis cells are rich in

  • cellulose
  • starch grains
  • fibers
  • resins and wax

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2633)

Duct of paratoid gland are known as

  • Rhenius
  • Stensons
  • Warton
  • None of the above

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3260)

______ are devoid of respiratory, excretory and circulatory organs.

  • Threadworms
  • Sponges
  • Tapeworms
  • Liver fluke

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3403)

Restriction’ in Restriction enzyme refers to

  • cleaving ofphosphodiester bond in DNA by the enzyme
  • cutting of DNA at specific position only
  • prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage in bacteria
  • all of the above

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Q. 13 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3431)

The Ti plasmid used in genetic engineering is obtained from:

  • Bacillus thruingiensis
  • E. Coii
  • Agrobacterium hizogenes
  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3250)

Which of the following statement is correct?

  • Platypus lays eggs
  • Camels have biconcave RBCs
  • Whales respire by gills
  • Bats do not fly

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2710)

Sarcoplasmic reticulum is store house of which ion

  • Ca2+
  • Mg2+
  • Mn2+
  • None of the above

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3433)

The sheep ‘Dolly’ was cloned by using somatic cells from donor’s:

  • Udder
  • Skin
  • Tongue
  • Earlobe

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3270)

Which of the followings plant material is an efficient water imbibant?

  • Agar
  • Cellulose
  • Lignin
  • Pectin

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3352)

The breeding carried out between animals of different breeds is called

  • out-crossing
  • cross-breeding
  • inbreeding
  • both (a) and (b)

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3127)

Cells shrink in _________ solution

  • isotonic
  • hypotonic
  • hypertonic
  • hypotonic and hypertonic

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2697)

Which bone isn?t found in ear

  • Malleus
  • Incus
  • Stapes
  • Palatine

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3285)

Iodine is found in

  • Spirogyra
  • Laminaria
  • Polysiphonia
  • Chlorella

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Q. 13 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 565)

The speed of light was first measured by -

  • Romer
  • Newton
  • Galileo
  • Huygens

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2934)

The inheritance of flower colour in Antirrhinum (dog flower) is an example of

  • incomplete dominance
  • co-dominance
  • multiple alleles
  • linkage

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3324)

Which of the following pathogens causes whooping coough ?

  • Legionella spp.
  • Burcella melitensis
  • Vibrio cholerae
  • Burcella melitensis

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2748)

Chemical name of T4 is

  • Tetradiodothyronine
  • Tridiodothyronine
  • Tetraiodothyronine
  • Triiodothyronine

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3078)

In actively gro – wing young plants, the best data for estimating the rate of photosynthesis would be

  • ratio of oxygen evolved to carbon dioxide absorbed
  • increase in fresh weight
  • increase in dry weight
  • increase in carbohydrate

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3095)

Function of zinc is

  • Closing of stomata
  • Biosynthesis of 3-IAA
  • Synthesis of chlorophyll
  • Oxidation of carbohydrate

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2971)

Which among the following is not uricootelic

  • Mammal
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Snails

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2954)

If the base sequence of a codon in mRNA is 5’ – AUG – 3′ the sequence of tRNA pairing with it must be

  • 5’ – UAC – 3’
  • 5’ – CAU – 3’
  • 5’-AUG – 3’
  • 5’ – GUA – 3’

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2622)

Which enzyme is not present in pancreatic juice

  • Lipases
  • Amylase
  • Nucleases
  • Nucleosides

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Q. 23 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3341)

Elephantiasis, a chronic inflammation that results in gross deformities is caused by

  • Ascaris
  • E.coli
  • Wuchereria
  • Trichophyton

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3246)

Turtles are

  • Arthropods
  • Pisces
  • Reptiles
  • Molluscs

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Q. 22 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3340)

Which one of the following diseases cannot be cured by taking antibiotics ?

  • Plague
  • Amoebiasis
  • Leprosy
  • Whooping cough

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2919)

A recessive allele is expressed in

  • heterozygous condition only
  • homozygous condition only
  • F3 generation
  • both homozygous and heterozygous conditions.

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Q. 13 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3456)

To avoid summer-related problems – heat and desiccation by organism is called

  • Hibernation
  • Suspend
  • Migrate
  • Aestivation

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2670)

Which among the following is not the major protein of plasma

  • Fibrinogen
  • Globulin
  • Albumins
  • Basophil

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 428)

What is name of South Ganga and what it its length?

  • Godavari , 1465 km
  • Ganga ,2525 km
  • Krishna, 1300 km
  • Kaveri, 765 km

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1580)

Enzymatic hydrolysis of major nutrients in GIT to yield their simpler components is .....

  • Fermentation
  • Deglutition
  • Glycolysis
  • Digestion

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3011)

  • Early prophase
  • Early metaphase
  • Early telophase
  • Early anaphase

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2768)

Hormones are

  • Excretory pdt
  • Enzymatory pdt
  • Chemical messenger
  • Nerve impulse

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3110)

Presence of phosphorus

  • brings about healthy root growth
  • promotes fruit ripening
  • retards protein formation
  • none

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3438)

First biochemical to be produced commercially by microbial cloning and genetic engineering:

  • Human insulin
  • Penicillin
  • Interferons
  • Fertility factor

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3473)

Submerged Rooted Hydrophyte are:

  • Uticularia
  • Prapa
  • Nymphea
  • vallisnaria

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3179)

The ciliated epithelium in our body may be found in

  • trachea
  • ureter
  • bile duct
  • intestines

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2684)

Which among the following has 2 chamber heart

  • Fish
  • Crocodile
  • Birds
  • Mammals

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Q. 21 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3064)

When one glucose molecule is completely oxidised, it changes:

  • 36 ADP molecules into 36 ATP molecules
  • 38 ADP molecules into 38 ATP molecules
  • 30 ADP molecules into 30 ATP molecules
  • 32 ADP molecules into 32 ATP molecules

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3510)

Which of the following is not done in a wild life sanctuary?

  • Fauna is conserved
  • Flora is conserved
  • Soil and flora is utilised
  • Hunting is prohibited

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3025)

Which one is incorrect?

  • Epiblast is presumptive ectoderm and mesoderm
  • Hypoblast is presumptive endoderm
  • Hypoblast is presumptive mesoderm
  • Upper layer of cells in blastoderm is epiblast

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Q. 23 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2691)

What is normal blood pressure

  • 120 over 80
  • 190 over 120
  • 70 over 70
  • None of the above

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