Biomedical Science D. Pharma B. Pharma Biochemistry Bachelor of Pharmacy Diploma in Pharmacy
Ans → (a)Rickets
Explanation → Alkaline phosphate (ALP) is a hydrolase enzyme and responsible for removing phosphate groups from many types of molecules. Bone specific alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme is elevated as a result of increased osteoblastic activity. The highest total ALP values have been attributed to an increased bone isoenzyme level due to Paget disease or rickets/osteomalasia.
This question is taken from this post → Biochemistry MCQs based Practice test 2 | Pharmacy Exams - attemp/practice
Directions : For each question, choose a correct option from given four options (A, B, C and D)
Q. 24 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1238)