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Respiration Class 11th Biology | Practice MCQs With Answers For NEET

25 Questions 6 Attempts 1.83K Seen
Practice these important 25 questions from the chapter Respiration (Biology 11th class). Start Test without Login in


Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 Which among the following does not exchange o2 with CO2 through simple diffusion Earthworms Earthworms Sponges Flatworms
2 Which among the following have well developed respiratory system Cockroaches Earthworms Sponges Mammals
3 How many lobes are present in right lung 2 5 3 4
4 Name a sound box which is responsible for sound production Pharynx Larynx Epiglottis None of the above
5 Thoracic chamber is dorsally formed by Vertebral column Sternum Ribs Diaphragm
6 Inspiration occurs if the pressure within the lungs is More than atm pressure Less tha atm pressure Equal to atm pressure None of the above
7 The part starting from external nostril upto terminal bronchioles is known as Conducting part Exchange part Respiratory part None of the above
8 What is the structural and functional unit of lungs Bronchioles Alveoli Bronchi Both a and c
9 On an average healthy human breathes how many times per minute 12-16 15-16 20-25 72
10 What is the inspiratory reserve volume 2500-3000 ml 500 ml 1000-1100 ml None of the above
11 Volume air inspired or expired during normal respiration is known as TV IRV ERV RV
12 which among the following is measured by spirometer Total lung capacity FRC RV TV
13 Pressure contributed by an individual gas in a mixture of gas is known as Partial pressure Diffusion pressure Osmotic pressure None of the above
14 Solubility of CO2 is how many times higher than O2 10-15 30-40 20-21 20-25
15 What is the partial pressure of O2 in atmosphere 156 159 94 40
16 What is the partial pressure of O2 in deoxygenated blood 45 40 95 43
17 How many percent of co2 is carried by plasma in dissolved form 6 7 20-25 None of the above
18 How many percent of co2 is carried as bicarbonate 50 97 70 25
19 Every 100ml of deoxy blood delivers approx 2ml of co2 to alveoli 3 of co2 to alveoli 4ml of co2 to alveoli 7ml of co2 to alveoli
20 RBC contains very high quantity of which enzyme Carbonic anhydrase Lysosome Ligase None of the above
21 which among the following is caused due to decreased respiratory surface area Astma Emphysema Sclerosis None of the above
22 Whose role in respiratory rhythm regulation is insignificant Co2 O2 Both a and b None of the above
23 Pneumotaxic centre is present in which region of brain Medulla Hypothalamus Pons None of the above
24 Which type of curve is formed when percent of haemoglobin is plotted against po2 Straight line Hyperbola Sigmoid Parabola
25 which among the following is responsible to shift o2 dissociation curve right High Pco2 Low pco2 Low H+ None of the above
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