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Q.14. Tetany is related to

  1. Hypoparathyroidism
  2. Hypocalcemia
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of above
Answer: (b) Hypocalcemia
Explanation: Tetany is an involuntary contraction of muscles. It occurs due to Hypocalcemia.

Practice Test 1 (Human Anatomy And Physiology) For Competitive Exams

25 Questions 1095 Attempts 46.74K Seen
There are 25 multiple choice questions in this test. Attempt this test to check your preparation level. Questions are prepared from waugh's anatomy book.

In this test, we have covered topics like the skeletal system, sensory organs, lymphatic system, endocrine systems, respiratory system, and digestive system, nervous system. As we have not covered all the topics in this test, so to cover all the topics, please make sure to attempt all the tests in this series. we will try to generate new tests everyday or in a gap of 1 day. 

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Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 Endocardium is the layer of kidney lung heart stomach
2 The reserve pacemaker is AV node SA node Bundle of his purkinje fibre
3 The peritonium is a Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen outer covering of thorax inner covering of rectum None of Above
4 Parotids glands are present in Stomach mouth Pharynx Intestine
5 Succus entericus is related to Pancreatic Juice Intestinal juice Enzymes present in stomach None of these
6 Which one of these glands has both endocrine and exocrine function? Liver Pancreas Parotid gland Thyroid gland
7 C-shaped hyaline cartilages are present in Larynx Trachea Pharynx None of these
8 Tonsils are present in Pharynx Larynx Pancreas Liver
9 Accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in lungs is called Anoxia Asphyxia Anorexia None of the above
10 The basic unit of kidney is Glmerulus Nephron Loop of henley None of these
11 Glucose reabsorption takes place mainly in: Distal convulated tubules Collecting duct Proximal convulated tubule Loop of henley
12 The Hormone concerned with the basic metabolic rate is Thyroxin Pratharmone Arenaline Calcitonin
13 Melatonin is secreted by Thymus gland Adenophysis Pineal gland Adrenal gland
14 Tetany is related to Hypoparathyroidism Hypocalcemia Both (a) and (b) None of above
15 The Upper jaw bone is Ethmoid Maxilla Mandible Hyoid
16 The shoulder joint is a type of: Hinge Joint Ball and socket joint Pivot joint Gliding joint
17 Vestibule is present in External ear Internal ear Middle ear None of these
18 Which cranial nerve is attached with the eye? 2nd 4th 6th 8th
19 Ciliary body in the eye ball is the extension of: Sclera Choroid Retina cornea
20 Perkinson's disease is due to lesion in the: cerebellum basal ganglia cerebrum hypothalamus
21 Hyoglosal cranial nerve is related with: Movement of tongue Movement of saliva Movement of layrynx None of the above
22 The longest skeletal muscle is Biceps Quadriceps femoris supinator sartorius
23 Which Tarsal bone forms the heel of the foot? Talus Calcaneous Navicular cuboid
24 The lymph fluid is: Colourless Reddish Light brown Pinkish
25 What is autocrine? Local hormones Steroids Biogenic amines None of the above
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