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Q.13. Corpus leuteum secretes

  1. Progesterone
  2. Estrogen
  3. Vasopressin
  4. Glucagon
Answer: (a) Progesterone
Explanation: After ovulation follicles convert into corpus leuteum and release progesterone

Chemical Coordination And Integration Practice Test | Class 11th Biology NEET MCQs

25 Questions 49 Attempts 2.99K Seen
In animals, the control and coordination are done by the neural system and endocrine system jointly. the endocrine system performs its action by releasing certain hormones from specific glands and moving these chemicals to the target organ, tissue, or cell to perform the action. 

In this practice test, we have included some important questions from the 11th class chapter  "chemical coordination and integration"  for neet aspirants.  all questions and well explained with answers.  Practice this test and score good marks...  Start Test without Login in


Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 Which hormones is a stress hormone Norepinephrine Androgen Cortisol FSH
2 Secretin cause stimulation of Bile juice Water Gastric secretion Pepsinogen
3 In adults insufficient thyroxine lead to Myxoedema Goitre Tetany Cretinism
4 In the body both blood sodium and potassium is regulated by Pheromones Aldosterone Cortisols Androgens
5 Chemical name of T4 is Tetradiodothyronine Tridiodothyronine Tetraiodothyronine Triiodothyronine
6 Anabolic steroids are ___ versions of testosterone Effective Synthetic Natural Ineffective
7 which of the following acts on bones Melatonin Triiodothyronine GH Parathyroid
8 Glucagon hormone is secreted by Thyroid gland Pituitary Adrenal Pancreas
9 Which of the following is male sex organs Insulins Aldosterone Androgens Pheromones
10 Choose the incorrect statement Hormones are non-nutrients chemicals Exocrine glands are ductless glands Invertebrates have simple endocrine system All of the above statements are incorrect
11 Endemic goitre is a state of Increased thyroid function Normal thyroid function Decreased thyroid function Moderate thyroid function
12 PTH is called hypercalcemic hormone because it leads to Absorption of CaCo3 from digested food Reabsorption of water from renal tubules Increasing blood calcium levels Maintain ion balance in blood
13 Corpus leuteum secretes Progesterone Estrogen Vasopressin Glucagon
14 In children hypothyroidism lead to Goitre Acromegaly Cretinism Myxoedema
15 Diurnal rhythm of body is maintained by Melatonin Isthmus PTH Norepinephrine
16 Which hormone inhibits release of growth hormone Insulin Gonadotrophin Somatostatin Thymosin
17 Which of the following is essential for thyroid gland nacl I3 CaCo2 H2Co3
18 Testorone is produced by Leydigs cell Pituitary gland Both a and b Non of the above
19 The phase of menstrual cycle that last for 7-8 days are Ovulatory Menstruation Luteal Follicular
20 Blood pressure is under control of Pituitary Adrenal Thymus Thyroid
21 Master endocrine gland is Pituitary Parathyroid Thyroid Pineal
22 Largest completely endocrine gland is Adrenal Thyroid Pituitary Parathyroid
23 Implantation of embryo and placentation is under control of FSH Estrogen Progesterone Estradiol
24 Insulin is secreted by Acinus A cells P cells Y cells
25 Hormones are Excretory pdt Enzymatory pdt Chemical messenger Nerve impulse
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