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Q.15. Which one of the antibacterial agent is effective against typhoid fever?

  1. Chloramphenicol
  2. Penicillin
  3. Teracycline
  4. Sulphathiazole
Answer: (a) Chloramphenicol
Explanation: Typhoid fever is also called pathogenic fever. Chloramphenicol is a second line agent in the treatment of tetracycline resistant cholera.

Pharmacology And Toxicology MCQs | Practice Test #1

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Q.1. Alupent is common brand name for-

  1. Isoprenaline
  2. Phenylephrine
  3. Orciprenaline
  4. Terbutaline

Q.2. Which of these hypnotic possess a muscle relaxant property?

  1. Paraldehyde
  2. Phenobarbitone
  3. Barbitone
  4. Diazepam

Q.3. Paracetamol is excreted as-

  1. Glucuronide
  2. Deacetylated product
  3. Hydroxy derivatives
  4. none of the above

Q.4. Cardiovuscular action of epinephrine is mediated through-

  1. α - receptor
  2. α and β receptor
  3. β receptor
  4. none of the above

Q.5. Slow metabolism of isoniazid in africans are due to-

  1. Genetic variation
  2. Idiosyncracy
  3. Teratogenic effect
  4. none of the above

Q.6. Phenytoin act as anti-epilectic drug by-

  1. inhibiting the enzyme
  2. blocking the receptor
  3. acting on cell membrane
  4. non-specific drug action

Q.7. Isosorbide dinitrate is usually administered by-

  1. sublingual route
  2. Oral route
  3. Intravenous route
  4. none of the above

Q.8. Methotrexate is a -

  1. Enzyme inhibitor
  2. Receptor blocker
  3. Alkylating agent
  4. Anti-metabolic

Q.9. Which one of these antibiotics is used in amoebic dysentery?

  1. Tetracycline
  2. Bacitracin
  3. Paramomycin
  4. tobramycin

Q.10. Niclosamide is used in the infection caused by-

  1. Nematodes
  2. Cestodes
  3. Trematodes
  4. all of the above

Q.11. Which one of these is not a antiviral agent?

  1. Amantadine
  2. Idoxuridine
  3. Acyclovir
  4. Haymycin

Q.12. Amphotericin B, polyene antibiotic act by-

  1. Intracting with fungal membrane sterol
  2. Inhibiting protein synthesis
  3. Inhibiting cell wall synthesis
  4. all of the above

Q.13. Steven-Johnson syndrome is associated with-

  1. Penicillin
  2. Cephalosporin
  3. Sulphonamides
  4. Erythromycin

Q.14. Penicillinase resistance penicillin include-

  1. Penicillin G
  2. Penicillin V
  3. Cloxacilline
  4. Ampicilline

Q.15. Which one of the antibacterial agent is effective against typhoid fever?

  1. Chloramphenicol
  2. Penicillin
  3. Teracycline
  4. Sulphathiazole

Q.16. 5-hydroxytryptophan on decarboxylation gives-

  1. Tryptophan
  2. 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid
  3. 5-hydroxytryptamine
  4. Indole

Q.17. Pharmaclogical action of morphine is-

  1. CNS stimulant
  2. Vasoconstriction
  3. Increase in blood pressure
  4. Release of histamine

Q.18. Rhabdomylosis side effect is related with-

  1. Atenolol
  2. Atorvastatin
  3. Propranalol
  4. Digoxin

Q.19. Inchthamol is used in the treatment of-

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Diarrhoea
  3. inflammation and boils
  4. Leprosy

Q.20. Famciclovir is an ester prodrug of-

  1. Cytosine nucleoside
  2. Guanosine nucleoside
  3. Thymidine nucleoside
  4. Adenine nucleoside

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