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Q.25. Triterpenoid saponins are present in-

  1. Arjuna Bark
  2. Black catechu
  3. Bahera
  4. none of the above
Answer: (a) Arjuna Bark
Explanation: The terpenoidal saponins are arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, and arjugenins.

Pharmacognosy Practice Test #1 | MCQs For Pharmacy Exams

30 Questions 1258 Attempts 67.16K Seen
Pharmacognosy is a subject related to the study of natural drugs and its constituents. this subject is included in D. Pharma and B. Pharma curriculum. 

This practice test has 30 objective questions (MCQs) from Pharmacognosy. This practice test is helpful for D. Pharma (1st year), B. Pharma and Pharmacists preparing for competitive exams. Attempt this test for basic revision of important topics in pharmacognosy. Start Test without Login in


Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 The term 'Pharmacognosy' was coined by- Pelletier Sertuener Stars and Otto Seydler
2 The source of Indian acacia is- Acacia arabica Gelidium amansii Astragalus gummifur Sterculia urens
3 Ashwagandha is common name for- Wthania somniferum Holarrhena antidysentrica Bacopa moneira Centella asiatica
4 Quinine and quinidine is differ in- Chemical structure solubility In rotating the plane of polarized light none of the above
5 Cinchona belongs to family- Rutaceae Apocynaceae Rubiaceae Lauraceae
6 Which one of these is called a Indian tobacco? Lobelia Nicotina Cocca leaves none of the above
7 Sarpagandha is related to- Rauwolfia Arjuna Nux-vomica Physostigma
8 Deadly night shade plant is related to- Hyoscyamus niger Datura stramonium Belladonna none of the above
9 Which one of these reagent is used to indicate the presence of emetine? Picric acid Potassium chlorate potassium bismuth iodide Iodine in pottassium iodide solution
10 Nux-vomica seed belongs to the family- Rubiaceae Loganiaceae Papaveraceae Apocynaceae
11 Which one of these alkaloids is volatile in nature? Narcotine Papaverine Nicotine Thebaine
12 Keller-Killiani test is specified for- Aglycon part of digitalis glycosides Glycon part of Digitalis glycosides Both Glycon and Aglycon part none of the above
13 which one of these is adulterant of digitalis leaves? Verbasscum thapsus Digitalis lutea Digitalis thapsi none of the above
14 Revand chini is common name for- Aloe Rhubarb Cascara Cinnamon
15 Amylum is synonym for- starch cellulose sodium alginate isaphgol mucilage
16 The marmelosin is constituent of- Agar Acacia gum Bael Karaya gum
17 Urginea maritimma is used as- Purgative Astringent Cardiotonic Anti-infective
18 Vasaka is used as- Expectorant sedative stimulant cardiac tonic
19 Camphor is obtained from which plant? Eucalyptus globulus Cinnammonnum camphora Chenopodium ambrosoids none of the above
20 Cymbopogon citratus belongs to the family- Graminae Lauraceae Myrtaceae Rubiaceae
21 Terpentine oil contains mainly- citral α-pinene Limonene Phellandrene
22 Peppermint oil is synonym for- Mentha oil Chenopodium oil Cardamom oil Lemon oil
23 Which part of the Dill fruit contains oil? Entire fruit Endosperm Vittae Mericarp
24 Pale and black catechu are differentiated on the basis of presence/ absence of- Catechin Quercetin Gambier fluorecin Gums
25 Triterpenoid saponins are present in- Arjuna Bark Black catechu Bahera none of the above
26 Pungency of chilies is due to the presence of? Capsaicin Capsanthin Carotene Pungent protein
27 Turmeric possess saffron colour due to presence of- Curcumin Turmerone Curcumens Phellandrene
28 Free cinnamic acid is present in- Colophony Storax Asafoetida Balsam of tolu
29 Bees wax mainly contains- Palmitin Myricin Stearin Cerotic acid
30 Silk fibres obtained from- seeds of goissypium Cacoons of Bombyx mori Synthetic source Corchorus cupsularin
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