(d) All of the above Explanation: Inventory refers to the goods and material that a business holds for the ultimate purpose of resale/repair.
DSBM - MCQs Based Practice Test #2 | D. Pharmacy 2nd Year
30 Questions
595 Attempts
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Drug Store and Business Management (DSBM) is an important subject added to the course curriculum of Pharmacy courses, as pharmacist is primarily involved in sale and purchase of drugs/medicines so he/she must need to adopt some profession and occupation. So business management for a drug store is equally important as the knowledge of drugs. This is the second practice test in DSBM. In this Practice test, we have selected some 30 important questions (MCQs) from the Subject drug store and business management (DSBM). This will helpful for diploma in pharmacy 2nd year students,, competitive exams and also to gain basic knowledge of accounting and commerce. Start Test without Login in Merit
(c) transfer of goods Explanation: Transaction referes to transfer of goods. The buyer and seller often involved in the exchange of items of value such as goods, information, services and money.
(c) Itinerant retailer Explanation: The trem itinerant retailer shall include person selling goods door to door as well as person selling goods from a mobile cart, trailer or similar devices.
(c) for emergency to meet unforeseen demands Explanation: safety stock is also known as buffer stock and its is used in emergency to meet extra demands.
(b) Laissez - Faire leader Explanation: The Laissez - Faire leadership style is where all the rights and powers to make decision is fully given to the worker.
(b) Sole Proprietorship Explanation: Sole or single properietorship is considered as the simplest as well as the oldest form of business ownership.
(b) consumption value of material Explanation: ABC analysis is the business term used to define inventory chategorisation technique often used in material management. It is also known as selective inventory control. It depends on consumption value of materials.
(a) Primary data Explanation: Marketing research is the process or set of process that link the consumers, customers and end users to the marketer through information. Primary data is more reliable for marketing research.
(c) Generative Location Explanation: People are attracted to generative location for the purpose of shopping thus it generates business. E.g. shopping centers, out laying retail stores, full line department stores.
(d) Any of the above Explanation: finance deals with the allocation of assets. Bank provides finance to the business for various length of time.
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