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Biochemistry Test Series | Practice Set 2 | Revision MCQs For Pharmacy And Medical Exams

25 Questions 16 Attempts 4.09K Seen
This is the practice Set 2 of the Biochemistry  test series for Pharmacy, Diploma Pharmacy and medical/paramedical students. There will be total of 5 sets in this Biochemistry test series. In each set, there will be 25 MCQs for practice and revision of the basic concept of Biochemistry. This Practice set includes important MCQs from Biochemistry. These MCQs help to clear basic concepts. Start Test without Login in


Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 Serum acid phosphatase activity increases during Carcinoma Pancreatitis Leukemia Obstructive jaundice
2 Normal urine is Neutral Highly acidic Slightly alkaline Slightly acidic
3 Creatinine level in urine get elevated in Addison’s disease Hypothyroidism Nephritis Typhoid fever
4 A component of coenzyme A is Inosine Thiamine Pantothenic acid Pyridoxine
5 The normal value for glucose in the blood is 250 mg 200 mg 100-200 mg 80-120 mg
6 Hyperlipidemia is excess of Cholesterol and triglycerides Free fatty acid Glucose Ketone body
7 Cholesterol is a Carbohydrate Steroid Lipid Fatty acid
8 The coenzyme for niacin is NAD TPN FMN All of the above
9 Which of these vitamins is a part of coenzyme? Vit a Vit c Thiamine None of the above
10 Protein deficiency is known as Kavashiorkar Cushings syndrome Gaucher’s disease None of the above
11 Cobalt is a constituent of Vitamin B12 Haemoglobin Insulin Thyroid hormone
12 Xanthoprotic acid is positive in protein containing: Sulphur containing amino acid Alpha amino acid Aromatic amino acid Aliphatic amino acid
13 Neutral amino acid is Leucine Lysine Aspartic acid Histidine
14 The major connective tissue is Keratin Collagen Myosin Melanin
15 Intercellular substance present in connective tissue is Fatty in nature Muco-polysaccharide Protein None of the above
16 Quaternary structure of proteins refers to Sub-unit structure Amino acid sequence Irregular folding of protein Regular structure like alpha helix
17 A keto sugar can be detected by fehlings solution Benedict’s solution Seliwanoffs solution Aniline acetate solution
18 Which of the following saccharides is not a reducing sugar Sucrose Lactose Mannose Galactose
19 Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin) is a component of NAD+ FAD TPP CoA
20 Rickets is due to deficiency of Vitamin D Vitamin c Zinc Iodine
21 Vitamin K deficiency results in the disorder Dermatitis Retarded growth Color blindness Defective blood clotting
22 Goitre is caused by the deficiency of Fluorine Iodine Chloride Sulphide
23 Aldosterone regulates : Blood glucose Serum calcium Urine concentration Sodium absorption
24 Invertase is Vitamin carbohydrate Hormone Enzyme
25 Glycogenesis is the synthesis of : Starch Glucose Glycogen Glycerol
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