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A Quiz On Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

10 Questions 0 Attempts 113 Seen
This set of questions covers a range of foundational topics in AI and ML, including supervised and unsupervised learning, model evaluation, and applications in natural language processing and deep learning. These questions are designed to test knowledge across various core concepts in AI/ML, suitable for beginners and those preparing for certification exams in these fields.  Start Test without Login in


Action Q.No. Que title Option 1 (a) Option 2 (b) Option 3 (c) Option 4 (d)
1 What is the main objective of supervised learning in machine learning? To predict outcomes for new data To discover hidden patterns in data To reduce the dimensionality of data To generate new data from existing data
2 Which algorithm is commonly used for classification tasks? K-Means Clustering Linear Regression Decision Trees Apriori Algorithm
3 What does "overfitting" refer to in machine learning? A model performing well on both training and test data A model performing poorly on training data but well on test data A model performing well on training data but poorly on test data A model that generalizes well to unseen data
4 Which of the following is an example of unsupervised learning? Support Vector Machines Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Random Forest Naive Bayes
5 What is the purpose of a "learning rate" in gradient descent optimization? To determine the size of steps taken towards the minimum of a function To increase the model's complexity To define the number of iterations To prevent the model from underfitting
6 In natural language processing, what does "tokenization" refer to? Breaking down text into paragraphs Splitting text into sentences Breaking text into smaller units like words or phrases Removing punctuation and stopwords
7 Which metric is commonly used to evaluate the performance of a classification model? Mean Squared Error (MSE) R-squared F1 Score Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
8 What is a "convolutional neural network" (CNN) primarily used for? Time series forecasting Text generation Image recognition Speech synthesis
9 In reinforcement learning, what is an "agent"? The environment where actions are taken A set of possible actions A reward function An entity that learns and makes decisions
10 What is "regularization" in machine learning? Increasing model complexity Adding noise to the data Penalizing complex models Optimizing hyperparameters
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