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The Khalji or Khilji dynasty was a Muslim dynasty that ruled large parts of the Indian subcontinent between 1290 and 1320.It was founded by Jalal
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Alauddin Khalji Sultan Sikander Sani Portrait of Sultan 'Ala-ud-Din, Padshah of Delhi.jpg A 17th century painting of Alauddin Khalji Sultan of Delhi Reign 19 July ...
Reference ❯ Khilji Dynasty Rulers, Timeline and decline
Alauddin Khalji Sultan Sikander Sani Portrait of Sultan 'Ala-ud-Din, Padshah of Delhi.jpg A 17th cen
khilji dynasty was founded by jalal ud din khilji in 1290-1320... after the decline of slave dynasty
Jalal-ud-din Khilji was the founder of Khilji Dynasty (Khalji Dynasty) in 1290 AD. Khilji Dynasty wa
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